
Ensemble Arte Divine

Arte Divine is a new professional ensemble dedicated to performing great sacred works, both old and contemporary.  

The ensemble will present its first project A New Song in the fall of 2024, with music by Buxtehude, Bruhns, Pärt and MacMillan. 

Ensemble Arte Divine

OrganDreams Orgeldrømme

Visual organ concerts

Den Unge Kunstneriske Elite

David was the recipient of

"The Young Artistic Elite" scholarship in 2022-2023

by the Danish National Arts Foundation. 

Bach & Pärt

Bach & Pärt - David Bendix Nielsen

David´s first solo album, with music by J.S. Bach and Arvo Pärt. Released on the british label Orchid Classics in 2022,

the album is a compilation of the best organ music by the two composers. 

Truro Cathedral - Recital

New on YouTube